Rogue Beast (The Rourkes, Book 12) Page 16
She opens the door with a wide smile and steps back. “Come on in.”
I nod at Joe and shut the door behind me. “Hello, beautiful.”
She does a little hip pose in her sleeveless dark red dress, and then she throws her arms around me, kissing me with wild abandon. I wrap my arms around her, caught up in it like always. She grinds against me, and I slide my hand to her ass, cupping her. She moans into my mouth, and I’m ready to take her right now.
I break the kiss, determined to have this date with her. “Harp.”
Her hazel eyes are bright, her cheeks flushed. “Quickie?”
I grin. “Come on, now. They’re gonna be pissed that you keep taking those reserved seats and skipping out on them.”
She pouts. “You’re right. After.”
I kiss her and nip her bottom lip. “Can’t wait.” I step away from her, working on cooling down.
“I’ll just get my purse and let Joe know.”
A few minutes later, we’re heading downstairs in the elevator with her guard. It’s only a fifteen-minute drive to the theater. She’s wearing a white shawl around her shoulders that’s lacy enough to hint at the bare skin underneath. So sexy. She catches me up on her week at work, and the excitement over a major movie star, Claire Jordan, visiting the set to see Josie, who somehow knows her through the Rourke family connection. First I’m hearing about it. Apparently, my cousin Princess Sylvia used an American wedding planner for her stateside wedding (she married an American), who’s close friends with Claire. The connection started with Sean to Sylvia to wedding planner lady to Claire to Josie to Harper. Small world. Makes me think at some point I would’ve met Harper through one of those links. Fate at work here.
Harper continues. “The best part is—and I had no idea about this—but Claire has her own production company based in Connecticut.”
“Yeah, I told her I was interested in directing, and she told me she’d love to meet with me about a project! She’s got a lot in the pipeline—movies, TV shows, even some reality TV based around classic cars. Have you heard of Hot Finds? They go around looking for classic cars to—”
“Fix up. Yes, I love that show with Ty and Park.”
She bounces on the balls of her feet. “I mean, I don’t expect her to hand me a movie to direct, but directing an episode of an established show while I’m on hiatus from Living Gold could be a start. Our last episode is at the end of the month. Then we play the waiting game to see if we get picked up for more episodes.” She smiles up at me. “It could mean I’d be local for a while.”
“That sounds good to me.”
The elevator doors open, and Joe goes ahead of us. He heads out the front door first and waits for her. I hold the front door open for her and follow behind. The car’s right out front, a silver Mercedes.
“Amanda,” a man yells, “take me with you.”
Harper’s eyes widen as she takes in the disheveled middle-aged man in a stained short-sleeve button-down shirt and jogging pants. Joe confronts the guy, telling him to back away. Harper hurries into the back seat of the car, and I follow her.
“That’s the guy who broke into my apartment,” she says, craning her neck to see where he went. “He wants tough Amanda to whip him.”
Joe’s heading this way, and I don’t see the guy anymore.
I turn to her. “Joe scared him off.”
She grabs my hand, clutching it tight. “He was arrested. I guess he’s out of jail.”
“Do you have a restraining order against him?”
“Report him.”
Joe slips into the front seat. “Let’s go.” The driver pulls away from the curb. He turns to Harper. “I’m reporting him for violating the restraining order. He’s got some mental issues. I told him you’re not Amanda, and to leave Harper Ellis alone or he’d be arrested. He barked at me and ran away.”
“You mean like a dog?” I ask.
“Yeah. Harper, I’ve got you covered. Don’t let that ruin your night. He’s misguided. I don’t think he means to hurt you, so much as he’s hoping you’ll train him like a dog.”
Harper lets out a shaky breath. “Yes, well, that’s not happening.”
“He can’t get into the building either,” Joe says. “Put him out of your mind.” He shoots me a look that says step up, man.
I cup her jaw and kiss her. “Anyone who tries to get near you has to get through two manly beasts ready to kick ass.”
She gives me a wobbly smile, resting her hand on my chest. “That reminds me of when I mistook you for my guard.”
I place my hand over hers. “Best day ever.”
She unbuttons my white dress shirt enough to slip her hand in, stroking my chest. “You’re a great distraction,” she purrs.
I stroke her hair back over her ear. I hope I’m more than that.
She removes her hand and buttons my shirt. “So I told you all about my week. How’s things with you?”
“Well, first of all, I’m an uncle again.” I can’t help my wide smile as I pull out my phone to show off the picture of my twin nieces. “These are my oldest brother Dylan’s girls, Maya and Eva. Fraternal twins, though it’s hard to tell them apart at this point. Maya’s wearing the striped yellow hat, and Eva’s wearing the striped pink. Mom and babies are doing great.”
“Congratulations! So that makes how many nieces and nephews for you?”
“Three nieces, all from Dylan’s family, but there’s more on the way. My brother Jack’s wife is due the first week of November. Connor’s wife is expecting too, but that’s still a while away. Anyway, we’re having a big-sister party at my parents’ house tomorrow. It’s family tradition to have a party for the older sibling before the baby comes home, to make them feel special. Each of my older brothers got one when the next kid came along to bump them out of baby-brother status, except yours truly since I’m the youngest. You wanna go?” I want to introduce her to my family because I have a good feeling about us.
Her eyes widen, her jaw dropping.
I press under her chin, closing her mouth, and kiss her. “Why so shocked?”
“You want me to meet your parents and, like, your whole family?”
“Yeah, it’ll be fun.”
She stares at me. “That sounds serious.”
“I met your grandmother.”
“That was more like…well, you offered…”
“I was a buffer?”
I tuck my phone away, hiding my disappointment. “That’s okay. You don’t have to go.”
“No, I will. I’m not used to meeting my boyfriend’s parents. Now I’m nervous. Do I bring something?”
I smile. “Not necessary. And don’t worry, Josie will be there too. My brothers are like me, only not as cool.”
She laughs.
“And, in other good news, I booked a second commercial. I’m psyched. Filming is next Friday. It’s for an electric car that I’m gonna make look cool just by fake driving it. The script says I park it in the city, plug it into a charging station, and then walk off with my beautiful girlfriend. No lines, so it’s super easy. I asked if you could play my girlfriend, but they’d already cast it.”
She bites her lower lip.
I meet her eyes. “Are you upset I asked for a part for you, or that I got the gig?”
She squeezes my arm. “Neither. It was nice of you to think of me.”
“I’m psyched. After this, I’ll have enough for a down payment on a house. It’s a dream come true.”
She leans her head against my shoulder, and I wrap an arm around her. “I’m happy for you.” She doesn’t sound enthusiastic, but she’s trying. It’ll take time for her to trust me. I get that, and I’m willing to put in the time. What I’m not willing to do is give up what’s shaping up to be a lucrative new career. My agent is working hard to find me more and better work, and I love working with my acting coach, who’s been very encouraging.
I’m starting to think acting could be a real possibility. For the first time in my life I’ve got ambition, something I’m willing to work really hard for. And it’s all mine. I’m replaceable at my job. That’s a fact. My brothers could always get another guy on crew. If they had really wanted me to stick around, they would’ve given me a title and position. I shouldn’t feel so guilty about branching out on my own.
My family and Harper need to be on board with this new direction because, if something big comes along, I’m not giving it up.
I’m trying to wrap my mind around the whirlwind night so far. I was excited to see Garrett; then I had a reminder of why I have a guard in the first place when Walter approached me again, then Garrett sprang the meet my parents invitation on me, which is nerve-racking enough, and then he tells me he booked another commercial. I’m happy for him. Really. How could I not be when he’s so excited? I can’t help it if my first gut reaction is wariness. I’m working past that. I don’t want to ruin a good thing just because my instincts shoot up warning signals. In this case, they’re wrong. I have to believe that.
We’re ushered into the theater through a back entrance and make our way to a side door, where we’re escorted to our center seats. I try to relax. This is my favorite show, after all. I’ve seen it nine times. I love the music, but most of all I love the story of the misunderstood wicked witch, who everyone judges just because she looks different. She was born with green skin. It’s a reminder to consider a person’s character more than their appearance. As an actor I work hard to get to the essence of a character.
The show begins a short while later, and I catch myself watching Garrett out of the corner of my eye just as much as the action onstage. He seems to be soaking it in. I hope he likes it. I’d love to take him to more Broadway shows.
As soon as the curtains close for intermission and the house lights turn on, I ask, “What do you think so far?”
“Amazing. I’m really into live music, and this is an art form all on its own, the way they tell a story with it. And the pipes on those two lead actresses, incredible!”
I beam. He gets it. “Yes. Only the best of the best make it to Broadway. There’s never a bad performance. At least I’ve never seen one.”
He nudges my arm. “How many times have you seen this one?”
“Number ten tonight. And I’d see it weekly if I could. Afterward, I’m supposed to meet some of the cast and get some pictures with them.”
“You didn’t tell me that part. I’ll get them to sign my program.”
“Sure.” I lean close. “And then we can go back to my place and pick up where we left off earlier.”
He grins and taps my nose. “Horny beast.”
“Guilty.” I laugh. No one’s ever called me a beast.
After the show, which was incredible, we wait for the audience to clear out before slipping behind the curtains to meet the cast. They’re pumped up after their performance, and it’s great to see everyone again. I’ve seen this particular cast three times.
The actress who plays the good witch signs Garrett’s program, and a photographer my publicist called gets a picture of them together. I join them, and they take more pictures. Next they get a shot of us with the wicked witch and then with the whole cast.
“We’re going out after this,” Glinda the good witch (aka Laurie) says. “You want to meet up?”
Garrett puts an arm around me. “Actually, Harper can’t wait to get me back to her place.”
I smack his chest playfully, secretly glad he’s not diving into the party scene. I want him to want me for me, not the glitzy stuff around me.
“Ooh, Harp, looks like you got a real man on your hands.” Laurie licks her finger and does a sizzling sound when she touches his shoulder.
Garrett laughs.
“So great to see you all. Fantastic performance,” I say. “Have fun tonight!”
I head out but not before I hear her sing-song, “You too, sexy mama.”
I laugh.
Garrett holds my hand, entwining his fingers with mine as we meet up with Joe and head out the back entrance. No creepers or paparazzi, and we make it safely into the car. I breathe a sigh of relief.
“I can see why you like the show,” he says. “You’re the wicked witch, and your grandmother is the good witch.”
I suck in air. I cannot believe he saw that. It’s true. Their lives are intertwined, at odds, one struggling, the other sailing through. I always felt wicked, unable to live up to her strict standards.
“What happened to your parents?” he asks gently.
Not only is he extremely intuitive and sensitive, but he also takes great care with me. It makes me want to share.
I whisper in his ear, “I’ll tell you my story if you tell me yours. Not here.”
“Sure. My story is boring though.”
“Ha! Nothing boring about being born royalty. Are your sisters-in-law considered princesses?”
He lifts his brows. “As a matter of fact they are.”
I don’t say another word. We both know why I asked. If things keep going well between us, one day I could be a princess. I wouldn’t say no to wearing a tiara and staying at the palace in Villroy.
“I want to go to that Regency-themed ball pretty badly,” I confess.
“You only want me for Alice.”
“It’s a two-fer.”
He laughs. “Last time she dressed her baby girl Sigourney in this little blue gown that matched hers. She goes all out. I’ll take you next time on one condition.”
“You have to promise not to forget I exist once you meet your idol.”
A bubble of pure happiness blooms inside me. “Yes.” I flush with excitement, but then I remember my grandmother. “I can’t, though. My grandmother expects me for Christmas, and she’s getting up there. I don’t know how many Christmases I have left with her.”
“She’s tough as an ox. She can come along on the royal jet. I bet she’d fit right in with my cousins. And really hit it off with my dad.”
“Maybe.” I can’t ask her to travel for selfish reasons. What if she fell ill? It would be my fault.
“Sure, we’ll see where we’re at then.”
Once we’re back in the privacy of my apartment, he makes himself at home on my sofa and pats the space next to him. “Story time,” he says. “You tell me yours, and I’ll tell you mine.”
I’m suddenly nervous. My grandmother’s warning sounds in my head: never show weakness. And then my publicist’s voice: every person you let in must sign a nondisclosure. I let myself be vulnerable with him. And I have to be brave and keep doing that. It’s the only way to really connect with the man I’m beginning to suspect I love.
I join him on the sofa and take a deep breath. “Not much to tell. I never met my dad. He was married with a family of his own.” I swallow hard, surprised it still bothers me after all these years that he never acknowledged me. “My mom had me very young and left me as a newborn in my grandmother’s care. My grandmother is her mom.”
“Did your biological mom visit?”
I smile a little. It’s nice of him to refer to her that way. She never felt like a real mom. “No. I don’t think she felt welcome. I think my grandmother scared her away.”
“Did you ever try to get in touch with her?”
I hate to admit it because it just shows how little she cared. “No, I planned to as an adult, but…she got in touch with me when I got my first show at fifteen. We met up in LA. She asked me for money, and when I said no, she said my grandmother had tainted her against me. I was saving every paycheck at the time, terrified I’d get fired and never work again.”
He kisses me. “I’m sorry.”
A lump forms in my throat. “Don’t share that with anyone, okay? Just between us.”
“Of course. Who would I tell?”
“There’s a lot of people who’d pay good money for dirt on me.”
“Harp, don’t you know me better than that by now?”
I blink back tears. “Sometimes it’s hard to trust. I’m trying, okay?”
“Anything you tell me stops here. I’m not trying to gain anything from you besides your…company.”
“What were you going to say?”
He shakes his head, smiling. “No. Not the time for dirty joking around. So my story is simple. I told ya how my father was banished. After that, it was a pretty normal life from my perspective. By the time I arrived, my dad was working for my uncle’s construction company, handling the financial side, and my mom raised us six boys. They stopped having kids after perfection, as you can see.” He gestures with both hands toward himself.
I laugh. “Obviously.”
“Eventually, me and my brothers were brought into the company as our uncle taught us the trade. When he retired, he gave the company to me and my brothers. We’re equal co-owners. My older brothers have worked out a niche in the new company we formed under it for real estate development, Rourke Management. I missed out on that. I’m still just working crew. They didn’t think I was experienced enough for a high-level position at first, and now those positions are all filled.” He sounds bitter.
“That’s the second time you mentioned being passed over.”
“Yeah, well, I guess it’s been on my mind a lot lately. I’m suddenly ambitious for more.”
“Like an acting career.”
“Can’t deny it would be awesome.” He gives me a sexy smile, his big hands sliding my dress up. He lifts me to straddle him. “Now let’s get to the important stuff.”
I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him, relieved all the intimate sharing is over. This is so much easier—only his mouth on mine, his hands roaming all over me.
He stands, keeping me wrapped around him, and walks into the bedroom. No more words. Just a passionate joining. I tell myself not to worry about his newly found ambition. I can’t let that come between us.