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An Inconvenient Plan (Happy Endings Book Club, Book 10) Page 5

  Her friends were listening. None of them were looking this way, but they’d stopped talking to each other.

  “Privately,” he whispered.

  She did not whisper back. “Anything you have to say, you can say in front of my friends. I have no secrets.”

  His temper flared. She was making this too hard, being completely unreasonable. Unless…she wasn’t getting what he was trying to do here. He’d thought he’d explained how important it was that they talk, how they needed to get on better footing. Why wasn’t she getting it? She was smart and genius-level diabolical with her cheery battle tactics. Was she completely done with him?

  He dropped his voice to a guttural growl that was more demand than request. “I want you alone. Tonight.”

  Her lashes fluttered down, her fingers rubbing the side of her neck. A good sign—almost flirty and definitely less confrontational. “Oh.”

  His fingers tingled with the urge to touch her, stroke her soft hair, her cheek, her neck. He glanced over at her friends, who immediately turned away. Nothing like an audience when you’re trying to connect with a woman. “So?”

  She looked into his eyes for a long tense moment, taking his measure, he figured. Trust him, not trust him. He remained perfectly still, gazing back at her steadily. Finally she spoke in a soft voice. “I don’t want to keep rehashing things, and I’ve got a lot to do with the prince arriving tomorrow—”


  He started cleanup, tucking glasses under the bar, avoiding the curious eyes of the women. This sucked. She was closed against him. The prince would surely take advantage with Hailey fangirling all over him. Hailey’s words tormented him in an endless loop. He’s been my go-to fantasy forever. He’s the total package. I wouldn’t kick him out of bed.

  Mad returned with Rose, and the women left, telling him goodbye. Hailey nodded once at him, gave him a small smile, and left. She was at least a little warmer toward him since the article had come out with his praise in it. He’d told her at the time he’d meant it, but she hadn’t believed him. That was how much she mistrusted him. How was he ever going to regain her trust if she wouldn’t spend time with him?

  He scrubbed the bar top with a rag. He’d grown since his relationship with Clarissa. She’d made him more self-aware, showing him how his subconscious manifested in his real-world decisions. And she’d given him some relaxation techniques for his occasional rough night. Unfortunately, Clarissa hadn’t been right for him in the long haul. She was too good—angelic level of good. He’d tried to meet her where she was at, in her enlightened hippy lifestyle, knowing all along it just wasn’t him. Worse, his newfound self-awareness made him realize what he really needed in a partner wasn’t an angelic enlightened woman like Clarissa, but someone with sharp teeth that took a bite out of life. Someone with claws and fire and a warrior’s spirit.

  He needed his equal.

  It hit him like a slap. He’d just described Hailey. She was his equal.

  That meant she was supposed to be with him. They belonged together. Dammit. If he hadn’t been so hardheaded about Hailey for so long, he would’ve seen what was right under his nose. And now he had a prince to work around and a lot of bad blood to wade through to get her to even consider him. There were so many ways it could go wrong between him and Hailey, but the idea of ceding the battlefield now that the smoke had cleared was an impossibility.

  All he needed was a strategic plan to win the war, victory to them both. The flip side, a loss, would damage him, Hailey, their parents, everyone they considered family. The stakes could not have been higher. All of his warrior instincts fired up, ready to charge ahead.

  Chapter Five

  Hailey was beside herself preparing for the royal visit. She’d managed to get through two morning appointments with clients, nearly jumping out of her skin while waiting for them to make their choices on menus and tableware. All she could think was Get out of here! I need to polish Ludbury House until it shines! The prince arrives at five! As soon as she finished her last appointment, she wolfed down a late lunch and inspected every room of Ludbury House, even the upstairs rooms, where the bride and groom had dressing areas. She felt like a butterfly bouncing off the walls. Rose must’ve picked up on her nervous energy because she was on edge too, barking at every little sound all day long.

  At four thirty, she stopped fluttering around the mansion and rushed to the bathroom to touch up her hair and makeup. She wore a new-to-her pale green silk and organza dress with white shoulder straps and a white band across her mostly bare back. The dress had been a steal from the consignment shop in Greenport, where most of her wardrobe came from. The dress ended at her knees, and she’d paired it with nude suede strappy heels. Sophisticated and sexy.

  Not that she was prepping for seduction. She just really wanted this job. Planning a wedding for a princess would be fantastic. Not to mention how wonderful it would be to mention Princess Silvia Rourke as a client in her marketing down the line. Anyway, it wasn’t like the prince would be interested in a scrappy businesswoman clawing out a living. She might fantasize about him based on his pictures, but she had no delusions in that regard.

  She headed back to her office, sat at her antique replica mahogany desk, and then just admired the saved picture of Prince Phillip on her laptop. Dark brown rumpled hair, stunning blue-green eyes, chiseled cheekbones to die for, stubbled jaw, magnificent muscular body in a casual white T-shirt and black jeans. Swoon!

  Her phone chimed with a text. She didn’t recognize the number. We’re here. Her heart jumped. Royalty on my doorstep!

  She texted back: On my way.

  She’d arranged for the royal siblings to come to the back door of Ludbury House, out of sight of Main Street. There was a parking lot back there. She rushed out of her office and through the long hallway that led to the back of the house. Rose raced ahead of her, nearly tripping her on the way as she barked her sweet little head off at the visitors. Rose normally only let out one short bark at clients who came in through the front door. Her fur baby was smart enough to know it was an unusual occurrence for someone to go to the back door.

  Hailey arrived in the kitchen, glimpsing her visitors through the window of the back door. Six people stood there, four burly men wearing black blazers along with the prince and princess. She recognized the royal siblings from their online pictures. Princess Silvia Rourke, looking much more girl-next-door than her glamorous pictures online, with her dark brown hair up in a high ponytail, peeked her head around a large man’s shoulder to beam at her.

  Hailey smiled and waved. Then she scooped up Rose and pulled the door open. “Welcome to Ludbury House! So nice to meet you all.” She stepped back and one of the burly men stepped forward.

  “Security,” the man said. “May we look around?”

  “Of course. It’s just me and Rose here.” She held up Rose a little, who’d stopped barking to check everyone out. “We’ll be meeting in the ballroom.”

  The guard left to scout the mansion, and two more men followed, fanning out in different directions.

  Silvia went right to Rose. “Aren’t you a cutie? Hello, Rose. I’m Silvia.” She met Hailey’s eyes, her hazel eyes warm. “Nice to meet you too, Hailey. May I hold her? I’ve so missed having a dog at university.” Her accent held hints of French and something Hailey couldn’t quite place. It was unique and pretty.

  “Of course.” She handed Rose over. And then he walked in. Prince Phillip, the hot one, even more stunning in person. Tall and fit, his wide shoulders filled out a crisp white button-down shirt that complemented the tanned tone of his skin with charcoal gray tailored pants and Italian leather loafers. His dark brown hair was thick and tousled like he’d run his fingers through it, his blue-green eyes twinkled with good humor, and he had high cheekbones she’d kill for, and that devastatingly sexy smile. She flushed hot from head to toe. Oh my God. What if they hit it off? What if she married him and became a real princess? Not just the sarcastic kind that Josh c
alled her.

  “Hailey,” he said in the same charming accent as his sister, “it’s wonderful to meet the Queen of the Happy-Ever-After in person.”

  She beamed. “You’re wonderful too! I mean it’s so wonderful to meet you too.” She offered her hand to shake, and he lifted her hand to his lips, his stunning eyes the color of the sea locked on hers. Her belly dipped. Ahhhh! The hand kiss was so old-fashioned, so gentlemanly romantic. Her secret desire for a man straight out of a romance novel—equal parts dashing and romantic—was actually coming true.

  He slowly released her hand, his eyes never leaving hers. Her lips parted, her pulse thrumming through her veins.

  “Knock off the romance routine, Philly,” Silvia said. “We’re here for me, not you.”

  Reality intruded, and Hailey stifled a sigh. This was just standard routine for Phillip.

  Phillip shot a dark look at his sister. “And we’re here because I set it up, so cool it.” They sounded just like normal siblings.

  The last security guy came in and locked the door behind them. “I’ll escort you to your meeting place.”

  “Sorry about the security,” Silvia said. “My big brother is overprotective. Two of them are for me; the other two for Phillip.”

  “No problem,” Hailey assured Silvia. “No problem” was her go-to phrase for most anything the bride said. Some things were easier to accommodate than others.

  “She means a different big brother, Gabriel, the heir, not me.” Phillip gave Hailey a charming sexy smirk. “I’m much more freewheeling.”

  She got a flutter in her belly, seeing his sexy smirk in real life after admiring it online for so long. She could see why women threw themselves at him. “Can I get you a drink or snack?”

  “No, thanks,” Phillip said.

  Silvia handed Rose back to Hailey. “Actually, I’m going to dinner after this with my fiancé’s family.”

  Hailey quickly picked some Rose fur off Silvia’s pale peach short-sleeve sweater. At least Silvia’s pants and heels were white, so any lingering Rose fur would blend.

  Silvia looked down at herself and laughed. “No worries, I’ve got it.” She brushed the remaining shed fur off her chest. “My fiancé has handed the reins of our wedding over to me.” She crinkled her nose. “He’s such a guy guy, you know?”

  “A little rough around the edges,” Phillip put in.

  “Says Mr. Sophistication,” Silvia replied. “Cade is more into mountain climbing and kayaking than picking out a color theme for our wedding. We’re a classic opposites-attract kind of couple.”

  Hailey wasn’t so sure about the opposites-attract thing. She’d always thought compatibility with similar interests and outlooks would make for a smoother path. Though that wasn’t the most important thing. After observing so many successful relationships, she’d concluded the key was finding someone who accepted you just for who you are (and vice versa). A perfect match was someone you really clicked with and experienced very little friction because of your mutual acceptance. Only that hadn’t worked for her. Her friends-with-benefits arrangement with Liam had met all those requirements—they never fought, the sex was outstanding, and they genuinely liked each other. Problem was, several years later, it never did turn into love. What the hell did she know about relationships? Her breakdown five days ago at her mom’s engagement party had been a humbling wake-up call.

  She moved right past Silvia’s remark to the business at hand. “I’m sure the three of us will come up with something wonderful. Right this way.” She gestured for them to follow and made her way over to the large empty ballroom. Once in the ballroom, she set Rose down to find a sunbeam to nap in. Hailey always met for a first appointment with clients in here because this was where the reception would be held. A glossy white enameled table along with red velvet cushioned chairs stood in the center of the room under an elaborate gold and crystal chandelier. The table was already set with a vase of cheerful red tulips (Silvia’s favorite flower), three white binders, a pen and notepad, her business cards, and a rose corsage for the bride.

  “Please have a seat,” Hailey said, indicating the cushioned guest chairs.

  Silvia sat down. “Phillip is just here to make sure I don’t do anything too crazy.”

  Phillip chuckled and took the seat next to his sister. “Must keep up appearances.”

  “Welcome to modern times, Dad,” Silvia said.

  Hailey took the rose corsage with baby’s breath out of its plastic container and crossed to Silvia. “For the bride. May I pin it to your sweater?”

  “Sure, thanks!”

  Hailey attached it. Silvia fingered a rose petal, smiling just like every bride Hailey had ever given a rose. Most brides liked feeling special right from the start.

  She walked around the table to her seat. Phillip unexpectedly joined her, holding her chair out for her in a gallant gesture that made her giddy. “Thank you,” she murmured, taking her seat.

  “My pleasure,” he said in a husky voice.

  Silvia rolled her eyes and smacked his arm as he walked back to his seat.

  The security guards returned. Three of them stood along the wall of floor-to-ceiling windows and the fourth by the entrance to the room. Rose went over to sniff one of the guards’ shoes.

  Silvia looked around the ballroom. “This is gorgeous! I love the parquet flooring and the white crown molding.” She looked up. “And the chandelier. So romantic!”

  Hailey beamed. She loved this room too. “It really is romantic, especially when we have an evening reception with candlelight.”

  Silvia squealed, and Phillip gave her an indulgent smile. So sweet the way he looked out for his little sister!

  Hailey handed them each a business card and started with her standard spiel. “We’re meeting in the center of the ballroom so you’ll feel what it’ll be like when you’re the center of attention.” She shook her head at herself. “I suppose you already know what that feels like, Silvia.”

  “I do, but I hope you can make it feel like a romantic intimate event.”

  “Absolutely,” Hailey said.

  Phillip picked up her business card, reading it, and then looked at her, a hint of amusement in his eyes. Her cheeks heated. The card was embossed with silver bells and read Hailey Adams, Love Junkie, Wedding Planner. She should probably take out Love Junkie. It didn’t fit her outlook so much now.

  She turned to Silvia. “Tell me how you imagined your big day.”

  Phillip spoke up. “Her big day is the wedding back home. This is a smaller affair meant to take care of legalities.”

  Silvia rolled her eyes. “So romantic, Philly.” She turned to Hailey. “I just can’t bear for my first wedding ceremony to be some boring legal matter in a judge’s chambers. When I read your feature article in Bride Special online, I just knew you’d understand how to make it special. I have the dress, a gorgeous silk sheath with beading on the bodice, but I’d also like something that’s really us. Cade and I adore live music, especially jazz.”

  “Oh! We have one of the best jazz singers in the world right here in Clover Park. Zoe Reynolds. She recently won a Grammy.”

  “Are you serious?” Silvia exclaimed. “I love her! Do you think she’d do it?”

  Hailey grabbed her pen and made a note of it. “She performs in town on occasion. Once we set a date, I’ll ask her.”

  “That would be amazing! Wait until I tell Cade.”

  Hailey smiled. “What else would make it your dream wedding?”

  Silvia warmed to the topic. “I’d love tulips.” She gestured to the bouquet on the table. “Nice touch. Also, beautiful satin ribbons and bows, everything pastel and soft, glowing under candlelight. Dreamy and romantic.”

  Just like Hailey used to imagine for herself when she’d thought a happy-ever-after was just around the corner. “I’m getting the picture. It sounds lovely. Indoors or outdoors? We do have beautiful grounds with a large patio.”

  “Has to be indoors for privacy,
” Phillip said with a wink.

  Hailey felt herself flush as if Phillip had invited her someplace private. Focus!

  Silvia nodded. “I love this ballroom. Indoors is fine.”

  Hailey wrote that down. “We’ll often have the ceremony in the front foyer with the bride walking down the grand staircase to her groom. There’s room for seating up front and extra seating in the adjacent parlor. Would you like to take a look?”

  “Absolutely!” Silvia stood, all smiles.

  Everything went smoothly from there despite Hailey being a little flustered. She could swear Phillip was sending her heated glances, but every time she checked, he looked to his sister. Silvia loved absolutely everything. It wasn’t hard for Hailey to guide her to the dreamy romantic options for her wedding. It was nearly identical to what Hailey would’ve chosen for herself.

  Finally, they’d worked their way through the binder options for catering, flowers, cake, all the little details that made a wedding special, and Hailey circled back to the most important thing she needed to know and the most difficult to accommodate. “Now we just need a date,” she said brightly. “I understand it needs to be before July first. My Saturday and Sunday daytime weddings are fully booked through August. How would you feel about a Friday night or Sunday night wedding?” She held her breath, hoping Silvia was invested enough in the possibility of a wedding here that she’d be agreeable.

  “I’d like a Friday night,” Silvia said. “Then we’ll have the weekend for a mini-honeymoon.”

  Hailey beamed. “Wonderful!”

  “After finals,” her brother put in sternly.

  “No kidding,” Silvia snapped. “Careful, you’re starting to sound like Gabriel.”

  Phillip winced. “Duly noted.”

  Hailey and Silvia checked their calendars on their phones and thankfully found a date that worked, the last Friday in May. Hailey was especially happy it was after Carrie and Zach’s wedding, which would be featured in Bride Special.

  Silvia offered her hand to Hailey, and Hailey shook it. “Thank you so much for this, Hailey. You’ve exceeded my expectations. My wedding in Villroy is dictated mostly by tradition. This one is just for me.”